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Healthy Architecture Days: A congress for the future of healthcare


In June 2024, the Montreal Science Centre will be the focus of an innovative meeting that aims to set the course for the future of healthcare architecture. On June 11 and 12, the first edition of the Healthy Architecture Days (JAS - Journées de l'Architecture en Santé) will bring together some of the most experienced architects and designers from the healthcare and medico-social sectors, as well as experts in mobile robotics.

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I have the pleasure of inviting you to the first edition of Healthy Architecture Days in Montreal. In recent years, we have witnessed a remarkable evolution in the design of hospitals and healthcare facilities in Quebec. Hospital architecture is no longer just about cold, functional structures, but is becoming a real part of the experience of patients, caregivers and the entire community. The humanization of care spaces is at the heart of this transformation, creating environments that promote well-being, healing and socialization.

David Entibi

Director of the General Congress

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DS Automotion at the Healthy Architecture Days

We at DS Automotion are excited to announce that we will be present at this trade show. As a leading automation and robotics company, we are proud to showcase our innovative solutions developed specifically for the healthcare and medical/social sector. Our participation in Healthy Architecture Days provides us with the ideal platform to meet with leading professionals and share the latest developments and best practices in the field of healthcare architecture.

What can you expect at the Healthy Architecture Days?

  • A space for exchange and meetings with stakeholders from the healthcare network: Take the opportunity to exchange ideas with other experts and make valuable contacts.
  • Plenary meetings: International experiences, strategies and new practices that will shape the future of healthcare architecture will be presented here.
  • Hospital visits: tour some of the most modern healthcare facilities and gain insights into innovative design solutions.
  • Networking cocktail: Make new contacts and strengthen existing business relationships in a relaxed atmosphere.

Our contributions to healthcare architecture

At DS Automotion, we are dedicated to helping improve efficiency and quality in healthcare through advanced automation solutions. At the trade show, we will be showcasing our latest products and technologies, including our intelligent transport and logistics systems that can revolutionize operations in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Our solutions help to optimize workflows, increase patient safety and improve working conditions for nursing staff.

We cordially invite all participants to visit our booth to learn more about our innovative solutions and to shape the future of healthcare architecture together. The Healthy Architecture Days offer the perfect opportunity to share our vision of efficient, safe and people-friendly healthcare facilities and to establish valuable partnerships for future projects.

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With our many years of experience in the healthcare sector, we work with you to plan a customized system that not only guarantees maximum efficiency, but also ensures perfect hygiene in your hospital.


Sadoun Anais

Sales representative

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Healthy Architecture Days 2024 promises to be a major event for everyone involved in shaping the healthcare infrastructures of the future. We at DS Automotion are excited to be part of this inspiring event and to showcase our latest developments in automation and robotics. Visit us at the trade show and let's shape the healthcare architecture of tomorrow together.

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